

这是什么? 梦境的呓语和需要被记下的东西

Recalling Knowledge (2) - "Left-wing and Right-wing in the Western World from a Linguistic Perspective"

Pre-reading instructions, you need to know the basic concepts of left-wing and right-wing in the Western world. You may need to know a little about Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which is the value part of a person.

Brief Background#

  • First, we need to understand their origins. They each have a history of hundreds of years, branching from the intellectual foundation of the Renaissance, and they have complete theoretical systems.
    • The theories related to Marx can only be considered as the original teachings of socialism in the left-wing theory of communism.
  • People's induction of them today is messy and arbitrary. Although there are many perspectives, the thinking is not very clear. Therefore, we will analyze it from the linguistic basis of thinking.


  • What is "引性" (Yin Xing)? A quick and simple understanding.

    • According to the usage habits of Chinese, we have the concepts of sensibility and rationality, but for language, our classification is not only sensibility and rationality, because you cannot say whether "beautiful," "fresh," "sexy," and other adjectives are rational or sensibility. However, they often lead readers to think in a certain direction, so it is called "引性" (Yin Xing).

    Please note that here I have ignored the definition of sensibility and rationality and directly mentioned it. The logic and understanding are ignored by me. Here, I only tell you how it is used so that you can understand this concept in a simple way.
    Others may have different opinions, depending on their different definitions of the concept, so the debate about this concept is not important here.
    The name of this concept was given by mathematicians, and I think it's good, so I used it directly.

  • "Rational Arrogance"?

    • Simply put, it means that when thinking, there are some logical or common sense errors, such as "Your father insulted me, I want to kill your father, you are your father, so I want to kill you."
  • A simple and superficial overview of the concept of human rights

    • You are human, I am human. Anything that harms the value of a person in non-voluntary and irrational situations is a violation of human rights, including but not limited to malicious coercion, harm, deprivation, deception, natural disasters, etc.
    • The set of things that a person can do minus the set of things that harm human rights is what that person can do, and this is human rights.


  • At the origin of left-wing thinking, there is an emphasis on vocabulary, that is, the introduction and expansion of new vocabulary.
  • In right-wing thinking, there is an emphasis on grammar, that is, the coherence and determinism of meaning.
  • Therefore, the proposal of an ideology is valued for its causal relationship in left-wing thinking, that is, it is important to ensure the formation of results, and the results need to be innovative. Only focusing on the existence of causal relationships without much requirement for specific causal relationships is a manifestation of not paying enough attention to grammar, but valuing innovation is a manifestation of their vocabulary thinking.
  • Conversely, in right-wing thinking, legitimacy is heavily emphasized, both in thinking and in action. This is the result of valuing grammar, which requires a process imagined to be in specific causal relationships in order to be allowed.
  • However, since the achievements of human development are ultimately limited, the existing vocabulary is relatively limited. If there is no mechanism to expand vocabulary in the rules of thinking, it is easy to get stuck in a conservative language system, which includes the understanding of "引性" (Yin Xing), that is, guiding us on how to do things.
  • In this case, the moral values of Western values are divided into two halves, with different emphases for the left and right wings.
    • Charity values are emphasized by the left wing because they only care about the results.
    • Human rights values are emphasized by the right wing because they are a linguistic game known to people since the 18th century.
    • They do not neglect the other moral value, but they are not as clear and valued.
  • It should be emphasized here that the terms left-wing and right-wing only apply to the time and region of continuous inheritance of Western civilization.
    • The Nazis are more often referred to as right-wing, but they are like barbarians coming down from the mountains and are not very suitable to be placed in the theoretical framework of left-wing and right-wing. They certainly do not respect human rights or charity. We can consider them as products derived from left-wing or right-wing theories, but they cannot be seen as part of their development path.
  • Returning to the topic, it is precisely because of the linguistic basis that in real situations, the left wing is more likely to welcome "revolution," while the right wing is more likely to welcome "gradual progress."
  • In addition to their division of moral values, the left wing has given birth to many things like social democracy. They see the poor in society, the LGBT community, and environmental issues. With the role of expanding vocabulary awareness, the scope of their moral values is gradually expanding. However, due to the lack of appropriate grammar, the "conflict" of various needs is criticized.
  • Among them, the possibility of human rights violations has been seen by the right wing. Due to their focus on action and the establishment of causal relationships, the entire left-wing theory welcomes the use of government power to achieve goals, which is criticized by the right wing. Well-known representatives of the right wing, such as Adam Smith and Hayek, emphasize the concept of "spontaneous order" and hope that the people can voluntarily achieve political goals through their own efforts.
  • Of course, there is also the economic aspect. This is not only a welcome to a concise system that respects human rights (not too complicated, without new vocabulary), but also a guarantee brought by empirical verification.

    Spontaneous order is an empirical law.

  • Therefore, they point out the phenomenon of "rational arrogance" in left-wing theory, which means that there are many flaws in left-wing theory and its legitimacy is not high.
  • Now, the expansion of vocabulary in the language mechanism of the right wing is not enough, and it attaches great importance to reliance on experience. According to the summary of experience, human rationality tends to become "rational arrogance," which further verifies that we should believe in experience and rely less on rationality. This happens to be the existing part of the right-wing language, which shows that it is at least self-consistent in this respect.

Current Situation#

  • The left wing encourages equal rights for minority groups, saving the environment, and protecting animals, and the authority of the law is despised. According to the argument, illegal activities of movements like BLM are rampant, and even communists are rising.

  • The right wing always emphasizes God, family, and personal freedom, hoping to absorb new cultures as little as possible, resulting in some outdated towns and communities that are not popular with young people. Numerous welfare bills and immigration plans are obstructed, although the wealth gap and the plight of minority groups are evident, at least human rights are not trampled upon due to the use of taxes, which has satisfied them. Many actions of the government are completely distrusted, including infrastructure, fundraising, and even elections.

    Many right-wing individuals still do not acknowledge Biden's election, and the Capitol Hill incident occurred.

  • Write on Warsaw

  • 20230613, there may be modifications later

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