

这是什么? 梦境的呓语和需要被记下的东西

Recalling Knowledge (1) - "Is safeguarding everyone's interests individualism?"


  • Most of the vocabulary that will appear next is not the same concept as the commonly used Chinese by the general public, although they are similar, they are purely academic definitions.
  • You can check the English version on this page of Simple Wikipedia. As the name suggests, it is a good material for learning English, and I recommend it.
  • I will not simply repeat the existing information because they have more or less problems, especially the Chinese ones. I think their content quality in this regard is very poor. At least I think so.
  • The focus of this article is on identification and understanding, rather than the reliability and truthfulness of the information.


  • Because this is only a fragmented article, let's get straight to the point.

As Olivia Hammer said, science should look at every individual closely, so you should also look at every individual around you closely.

  • For most people, the choice between individualism and collectivism depends only on the thinking state of the person at the moment of choice. The specific judgment process is diverse, and even illogical and forced choices exist. But this is not important. What is important is that as long as you identify with what I said above, you will become me you are now a broad-minded individualist.
  • What is a broad-minded individualist? It means that as long as he or she believes that the ultimate benefit of society should be obtained by the [individual], then he or she is a broad-minded individualist. The definition of [individual] can be different, it can be everyone, it can be people from a certain group, it can even be oneself, or another person.
    • A person who believes that [individual] should be everyone is a standard and typical individualist, or can be called a narrow-minded individualist.
    • In fact, just think about the various definitions of [collective], and it is not difficult to guess that the definition of [individual] also has the same nature.
    • By the way, most Chinese people, because of propaganda, believe that the definition of [individual] is only oneself, which is often confused by them. But for some young people of this generation, they may say so, but their actions in life naturally tend to be self-centered, especially those who already have some personal values.
  • So, the answer to the title is already obvious. It is.

How to Judge#

  • Therefore, to judge whether a person supports individualism or collectivism, it only depends on which side the person's ultimate support of benefits flows to at that time. Let's give some examples to illustrate.
    • For a system that uses "collective" as a means to ultimately support individual interests, we say that people who support such a system are also individualists. You can take modern Western society as a reference example to promote understanding, but in fact, it is a bit more complicated than that.
      • They compromise their current individual interests through a series of contracts between the state and the government in exchange for more individual interests.
    • For a system that uses "individual" as a means to ultimately support collective interests, we say that people who support such a system are collectivists.
      • Israel adopted this system model for a period of time to deal with crisesbut I forgot the specifics. If you are interested, you can look it up yourself. Maybe I remembered it wrong.
    • The rest are systems maintained purely by a single means, but obviously, we still judge based on where the interests ultimately flow. You can use this to judge which one you are.
    • As for what to do when analyzing the flow of interests and finding that it becomes a circle, it's simple. Just look at where the judged person thinks the starting point and the endpoint are. In this context, the starting point and the endpoint are subjective choices, similar to choosing a reference point. But once it is chosen, then other endpoints are all wrong.

Personal Opinion#

  • "So, which one should I choose? Or, which one should I become?" Some people will definitely ask this, but unfortunately, I am not you and cannot make decisions for you. But I can tell you some inspiring references. They are statements, but not necessarily logically valid. Please use reason to consider them:
    • Only by giving sufficient respect to individuals can we have a colorful world and more advanced technology. One of the key reasons why Hong Kong has such a rich cultural landscape and distinctive works is its history of respecting individuals.
    • Looking back from the history of World War II to the present, countries that do not respect individuals, such as the Nazis, the Soviet Union, and the Japanese Empire, have either disappeared or perished due to the flaws of their own collectivist systems. They cannot compete with countries that support individualism.
    • Human nature makes us more inclined towards individualism. Economic and technological development cannot be separated from individualism.
    • The collective is only a system, a tool. We should not worship tools. What is important is the people inside. We should not use the identity of those people on a system.


  • This topic can involve many things, but let's leave it at that for now. Maybe I will change the content later to make it easier to understand, maybe not.

Thought Question#

  • How close are collectivism and authoritarianism?

Actually, they are very close, to the extent that one foot has stepped in.

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